Launch of post-consumer recycled polyester pet food packaging (PCR)

Formula Natural Line adopts a more sustainable solution aligned with the product attributes

Adimax, one of the largest manufacturers of food for dogs and cats in Brazil, reinforces its commitment to good environmental practices and the challenges to minimize impacts on the planet and presents its Formula Natural line in a more sustainable and unprecedented package in Brazil in this product category. Produced with PET PCR (post-consumer recycled polyester), the packaging reflects Adimax’s main objective with regard to environmental issues: maintaining sustainability throughout the product’s life cycle.

The Project is the result of a constant company search for options to improve its final product; improving all processes, from production to disposal, contributing to waste reduction and environmental preservation. “Our idea was to promote the perfect relationship between product and packaging, and nothing better suited to a line that has ‘natural’ in its name than a sustainable flexible plastic bag”, explains Leonardo Dalmagro, packaging development manager at Adimax. With the completion of this project, the company is a pioneer in marketing pet food in a package produced with recycled content.

The new product is made with sustainable films from the Ecophane® line, by Terphane, a leader in PET (polyester) films in Latin America and an important global player. These films are the only ones approved in Brazil, by Anvisa, for direct contact with food. Ecophane® sustainable films have at least 30% PET PCR in their composition, which guarantees them the ‘Recycled Content’ seal, awarded by the international certification agency SCS Global Services. “We are happy to have a customer like Adimax who cares about their products and packaging having a positive environmental impact. The choice of Ecophane® PET PCR film attests to this concern: each ton of PCR material used represents the collection and recycling of 13,800 PET bottles”, emphasizes André Gani, Terphane’s Commercial & Marketing director.

In addition to ensuring less use of virgin raw materials, the films in the Ecophane® line are part of the Circular Economy concept: discarded PET in the form of containers, bottles or other items is collected, recycled and returned to packaging. “Terphane’s commitment to packaging circularity is in line with Adimax’s principles and, therefore, we already had the desire to have this material in our products”, says Dalmagro.

In addition, I’m Green resin from a renewable source is also present in the formulation of the packaging produced by Incoplast, a brand of the Copobras Group and leader in the pet food packaging market. “This project is the union of several solutions that resulted in the reduction of material layers and that are aligned with the attributes that the final product delivers. Together with Adimax, we developed a sustainable and economically viable packaging, meeting all the needs of the dynamics of consumption”, points out Daiane Mazon, product engineer at Incoplast. “For us, sustainability is not just a vision of the future, it is actions of the present that guide our developments”, says Daiane.

The new packaging of the Formula Natural line was born from an intelligent eco-design project, with a focus on sustainability. That’s why they have the correct size for the portions and a re-closing system that minimizes waste; the printed information guarantees correct use and storage and the lightness optimizes the product’s logistics, reducing impacts in the stages of storage, distribution, and transport. “Flexible packaging contributes a lot to this sustainable journey, due to its excellent performance throughout the product life cycle and attributes aligned with current consumer trends: functionality, convenience, practicality, attractiveness at the POS and sustainability, with an emphasis on the best use of resources”, concludes Dalmagro.

Social and environmental responsibility is part of Adimax’s DNA. Its mission goes beyond promoting animal welfare and its performance is outstanding in aspects involving the pillars of sustainability (economic, environmental and social). Sustainable actions are inherent to the company, which also uses renewable sources for the production of other packaging and carries out environmental compensation for its disposal, assuming a serious commitment to the preservation of the environment by contributing to the reduction of pollution and promoting conscious consumption of resources.

Reverse logistic

To manage its solid waste, Adimax has a partnership with the EuReciclo project, which promotes recycling with social responsibility through environmental compensation.


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