Fórmula Natural

Showing 1–12 of 79 results

  • Fórmula Natural Vet Care Hipoalergênica Cães Portes Mini E Pequeno

    Fórmula Natural Vet Care Hipoalergênica Cães Portes Mini e Pequeno é um alimento coadjuvante indicado para auxiliar o tratamento das reações adversas ao alimento, como a hipersensibilidade e a intolerância alimentar a determinados ingredientes em cães.
    Nos casos de reações adversas ao alimento, incluindo a hipersensibilidade e a intolerância alimentar, é fundamental substituir a dieta por um alimento com menor potencial de causar sintomas dermatológicos e/ou gastrointestinais.

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  • Fórmula Natural Vet Care Hipoalergênica Cães Portes Médio E Grande

    Fórmula Natural Vet Care Hipoalergênica Cães Portes Médio e Grande é um alimento coadjuvante indicado para auxiliar o tratamento das reações adversas ao alimento, como a hipersensibilidade e a intolerância alimentar a determinados ingredientes em cães.
    Nos casos de reações adversas ao alimento, incluindo a hipersensibilidade e a intolerância alimentar, é fundamental substituir a dieta por um alimento com menor potencial de causar sintomas dermatológicos e/ou gastrointestinais.

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  • Fórmula Natural Vet Care Obesidade Cães Portes Mini e Pequeno

    Fórmula Natural Vet Care Obesidade é um alimento coadjuvante que tem por objetivo promover uma perda de peso saudável e maior qualidade de vida aos animais que estão acima do peso ideal.

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  • Fórmula Natural Vet Care Obesidade Cães Portes Médio e Grande

    Fórmula Natural Vet Care Obesidade Cães Portes Médio e Grande é um alimento coadjuvante desenvolvido para auxiliar no processo de perda de peso em cães obesos ou com sobrepeso.

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  • Fórmula Natural Vet Care Osteoartrite Cães

    Fórmula Natural Vet Care Osteoartrite Cães é um alimento coadjuvante desenvolvido para auxiliar cães diagnosticados com osteoartrites ou com pré disposição a problemas articulares.

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  • Fórmula Natural Vet Care Renal Cães

    Fórmula Natural Vet Care Renal Cães é um alimento coadjuvante desenvolvido para auxiliar no tratamento de cães diagnosticados com doença renal crônica.

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  • Fórmula Natural Dog Biscuits Pumpkin, Coconut and Quinoa Adult Dogs

    Fórmula Natural Dog Biscuits is a high quality line provided for adult. Tasty, healthy and nutrious, they are made with natural ingredients such as pumpkin, quinoa, coconut and aloe vera. This line also stands out for being rich in natural antioxidants, offering skin and coat benefits, joints, oral care, and being free of artificial colors and flavors.

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  • Fórmula Natural Dog Biscuits Pumpkin, Coconut and Quinoa Small Breed

    Fórmula Natural Dog Biscuits is a high quality line provided for adult dogs and puppies small breeds. Tasty, healthy and nutritious, they are made with natural ingredients such as pumpkin, quinoa, coconut and aloe vera. This line also stands out for being rich in natural antioxidants, offering skin and coat benefits, joints, oral care, and being free of artificial colors and flavors.

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  • Fórmula Natural Dog Biscuits Sweet Potate, Banana and FlaxSeed Adult Dogs

    • Fórmula Natural Dog Biscuits is a high qualidy biscuit line provided also for adult dogs. Tasty, healthy and nutritious, are made with natural ingredients such as sweet potate, flaxseed and banana. This line also stands out for being rich in natural antioxidants, offering benefits for skin and coat, joints, oral care and being free of artificial colors and flavors.

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  • Fórmula Natural Dog Biscuits Sweet Potato, Banana and Flaxseed Small Breed

    Fórmula Natural Dog Biscuits is a high Qualidy biscuit line provided also for adult dogs. Tasty, healthy and nutritious, are made with natural ingredients such as sweet potate, flaxseed and banana. This line also stands out for being rich in natural antioxidants, offering benefits for skin and coat, joints, oral care and being free of artificial colors and flavors.

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  • Fórmula Natural Fresh Meat Light Adult Dogs – Medium and Large Breeds

    Developed by veterinarians, Fórmula Natural Fresh Meat line uses the most advanced concepts of dog and cat nutrition.

    Naturally tasty and nutritious, its great differential is the use of fresh meat and special sources of carbohydrates, fibers, vitamins and minerals, such as fruits and vegetables.

    It is a complete line that offers versions with specific care for different needs and life stages of your pet.

    This product offers a lower calorie content and more fibers for medium and large breeds with a propensity to gain weight, neutered or sedentary.

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  • Fórmula Natural Fresh Meat Light Adult Dogs – Mini and Small Breeds

    Developed by veterinarians, Fórmula Natural Fresh Meat line uses the most advanced concepts of dog and cat nutrition.

    Naturally tasty and nutritious, its great differential is the use of fresh meat and special sources of carbohydrates, fibers, vitamins and minerals, such as fruits and vegetables.

    It is a complete line that offers versions with specific care for different needs and life stages of your pet.

    This product offers a lower calorie content and more fibers for mini and small breeds with a propensity to gain weight, neutered or sedentary.

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