
Showing 1–12 of 62 results

  • Domus Cat Mix

    Domus Cat Mix é um alimento completo indicado para Gatos Adultos.

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  • Fórmula Natural Fresh Meat Adult Cats – Chicken Flavor

    Developed by veterinarians, Fórmula Natural Fresh Meat line uses the most advanced concepts of dog and cat nutrition.

    Naturally tasty and nutritious, its great differential is the use of fresh meat and special sources of carbohydrates, fibers, vitamins and minerals, such as fruits and vegetables.

    It is a complete line that offers versions with specific care for different needs and life stages of your pet.

    This product offers all the care for an optimum development of adult cats.

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  • Fórmula Natural Fresh Meat Neutered Cats – Meat Flavor

    Developed by veterinarians, Fórmula Natural Fresh Meat line uses the most advanced concepts of dog and cat nutrition.

    Naturally tasty and nutritious, its great differential is the use of fresh meat and special sources of carbohydrates, fibers, vitamins and minerals, such as fruits and vegetables.

    It is a complete line that offers versions with specific care for different needs and life stages of your pet.

    This product offers a lower calorie content and more fibers for neutered cats.

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  • Fórmula Natural Fresh Meat Neutered Cats – Salmon Flavor

    Developed by veterinarians, Fórmula Natural Fresh Meat line uses the most advanced concepts of dog and cat nutrition.
    Naturally tasty and nutritious, its great differential is the use of fresh meat and special sources of carbohydrates, fibers, vitamins and minerals, such as fruits and vegetables.
    It is a complete line that offers versions with specific care for different needs and life stages of your pet.
    This product offers a lower calorie content and more fibers for neutered cats.

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  • Fórmula Natural Fresh Meat – Kittens

    Developed by veterinarians, Fórmula Natural Fresh Meat line uses the most advanced concepts of dog and cat nutrition.

    Naturally tasty and nutritious, its great differential is the use of fresh meat and special sources of carbohydrates, fibers, vitamins and minerals, such as fruits and vegetables.

    It is a complete line that offers versions with specific care for different needs and life stages of your pet.

    This product offers all the care for an optimum development of kittens, from weaning until 12 months of age.

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  • Fórmula Natural Fresh Meat – Long-haired Cats

    Developed by veterinarians, Fórmula Natural Fresh Meat line uses the most advanced concepts of dog and cat nutrition.

    Naturally tasty and nutritious, its great differential is the use of fresh meat and special sources of carbohydrates, fibers, vitamins and minerals, such as fruits and vegetables.

    It is a complete line that offers versions with specific care for different needs and life stages of your pet.

    This product contains special fibers that help the intestinal transit and the elimination of hairballs.

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  • Fórmula Natural Fresh Meat Senior Cat

    Developed by veterinarians, Fórmula Natural Fresh Meat line uses the most advanced concepts of dog and cat nutrition.

    Naturally tasty and nutritious, its great differential is the use of fresh meat and special sources of carbohydrates, fibers, vitamins and minerals, such as fruits and vegetables.

    It is a complete line that offers versions with specific care for different needs and life stages of your pet.

    This product offers the maintenance of lean mass for adult cats from 7 years of age.

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  • Fórmula Natural Fresh Meat Gourmet Cats – Tuna Flavor in Pieces

    Fresh Meat Gourmet Cats – Tuna Flavor in Pieces is high-quality food, designed with genuine tuna meat in pieces, in addition, it contains flaxseed and tomato. With a delicious taste that pleases the most exigent and selective palate, was designed to support all the nutritional needs of your cat.

    It is a complete wet food that does not need supplementation and can be used in conjunction with dry food or as main food.

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  • Fórmula Natural Fresh Meat Gourmet Cats Shredded Beef Flavor

    Fresh Meat Gourmet Cats Shredded Beef flavor is high-quality food, made with genuine shredded beef. It also contains flaxseed and tomato. With a delicious flavor that pleases the most demanding and selective palates, it is formulated to meet all your cat’s nutritional needs.
    It is a complete wet food that does not need supplementation and can be used in conjunction with dry food or as main food.

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  • Fórmula Natural Fresh Meat Gourmet Cats Chicken Breast Flavor

    Fresh Meat Gourmet Cats – Chicken Breast flavor is high-quality food, made with genuine shredded chicken breast meat and carrots. With a delicious flavor that pleases the most demanding and selective palates, it is formulated to meet all your cat’s nutritional needs.

    It is a complete wet food, which does not require supplementation, and can be used in conjunction with dry food or as main food.

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  • Fórmula Natural Receitas Caseiras Gatos Adultos Carne com Bacon ao Molho

    Fórmula Natural Receitas Caseiras é uma linha de alimentos que oferece aos cães e gatos o sabor irresistível
    da comida feita em casa aliado a uma nutrição ótima. Todos os alimentos da linha Fórmula Natural Receitas
    Caseiras são completos e balanceados e contêm uma combinação deliciosa de ingredientes naturais, como
    carnes, frango, peixe, vegetais e especiarias, oferecendo assim uma alimentação saudável e altamente nutritiva.

    Além disso, os alimentos desta linha são livres de ingredientes transgênicos e não possuem conservantes,
    corantes, aromas ou palatabilizantes artificiais. Seu alto teor de umidade colabora para a ingestão de água,
    auxiliando na saúde do trato urinário. Fórmula Natural Receitas Caseiras é a opção ideal para tutores que
    querem oferecer aos seus pets prazer e variedade a cada refeição, sem abrir mão dos benefícios de uma
    nutrição de alta qualidade e da praticidade de um alimento que já vem pronto para o consumo.

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  • Fórmula Natural Receitas Caseiras Gatos Adultos Cordeiro com Alecrim ao Molho

    Fórmula Natural Receitas Caseiras é uma linha de alimentos que oferece aos cães e gatos o sabor irresistível
    da comida feita em casa aliado a uma nutrição ótima. Todos os alimentos da linha Fórmula Natural Receitas
    Caseiras são completos e balanceados e contêm uma combinação deliciosa de ingredientes naturais, como
    carnes, frango, peixe, vegetais e especiarias, oferecendo assim uma alimentação saudável e altamente nutritiva.

    Além disso, os alimentos desta linha são livres de ingredientes transgênicos e não possuem conservantes,
    corantes, aromas ou palatabilizantes artificiais. Seu alto teor de umidade colabora para a ingestão de água,
    auxiliando na saúde do trato urinário. Fórmula Natural Receitas Caseiras é a opção ideal para tutores que
    querem oferecer aos seus pets prazer e variedade a cada refeição, sem abrir mão dos benefícios de uma
    nutrição de alta qualidade e da praticidade de um alimento que já vem pronto para o consumo.

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